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How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style

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Research tells us that everyone has their own unique approach to learning. Finding out your learning style will allow you to gain an insight into your strengths, weaknesses, and habits as a student.

Learning Styles

  1. Visual Learning
  2. Auditory Learning
  3. Kinesthetic/Tactile Learning
Study smarter by discovering your learning style
Article and infographic by Study Medicine Europe

Over the decades, researchers have identified a number of different learning styles.

These describe the ways in which individuals’ brains process, absorb, comprehend and retain information.

There are many different things that influence your learning style, such as cognitive, emotional, experiential and environmental factors.

As such, each learner has their own distinct approaches to learning.

Why You Should Identify Your Learning Style

If you are undertaking a course or are still in school, then identifying your unique learning style will do wonders to enhance your performance.

Not only will you be able to develop tailored study strategies, but you can also communicate more effectively with your instructors about your needs.

Discovering your unique learning style can help you to better prepare for classes
Article and infographic by Study Medicine Europe

Having a better idea of your study style will also take some of the stress out of test preparation and will make your revision sessions more productive.

“Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or in the same way.” – George Evans

Learning Style 1: Visual Learning

The majority of people are visual learners.

In other words, they tend to learn best by sight. Generally speaking, these people find it easier to mentally visualize things and prefer demonstrations over verbal explanations.

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Article and infographic by Study Medicine Europe

Videos, photos, and diagrams tend to be helpful aids for visual learners.

Another good technique is to draw mind maps to help understand the connections between ideas.

Learning Style 2: Auditory Learning 

The second-most common learning styles, auditory learning centers on the processing of information through sound.

Auditory learners typically have strong communication skills and prefer to think aloud.

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Article and infographic by Study Medicine Europe

As such, they tend to learn best by discussing ideas in group settings.

For auditory learners, recordings can be an extremely useful revision tool.

It may also be useful to find someone to whom you can explain ideas.

Learning Style 3: Kinesthetic/Tactile Learning

Just 5% of all people use this learning style.

Tactile learners absorb information best when they are engaged in a hands-on activity.

They typically dislike being sedentary and find it easier to focus when they are moving.

To boost the chances of success, kinesthetic learners should try to incorporate some form of movement or activity into their study sessions.

Another good technique for tactile learners is to re-write important notes in different formats (e.g. mind maps, flashcards, bullet points etc).


3 types of learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic
Article and infographic by Study Medicine Europe

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